8.9 /10
Genre: Drama Plot: A drama centered around three women: A 50-year-old woman, the daughter she gave up for adoption 35 years ago, and an African American woman looking to adopt…
Release: 2010-09-17
9.3 /10
Genre: Drama -History -Romance -Thriller. Plot: The Pillars of the Earth is set against a backdrop of war, religious strife and power struggles which tears lives and families apart. In…
Release: 2010-09-06
9 /10
Genre: Drama -Music -Romance Plot: A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke (Malambri) and Natalie (Vinson), team up with NYU freshman Moose (Sevani), and find themselves…
Release: 2010-08-28
8.3 /10
Genre: Drama -Thriller Plot: 26 men are chosen to participate in the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study that ultimately spirals out of control. Cast : Forest…
Release: 2010-08-20
7.5 /10
Genre: Drama -Fantasy -Romance Plot: As a string of mysterious killings grips Seattle, Bella, whose high school graduation is fast approaching, is forced to choose between her love for vampire…
Release: 2010-08-20