8 /10
Genre : Crime -Drama. Plot : Tells the story of seventeen year-old J (Josh) as he navigates his survival amongst an explosive criminal family and the detective who thinks he…
Release: 2010-10-11
8.4 /10
Genres: Crime -Drama -Thriller . Plot : A three-tiered story centered around drugs and organized crime, and focused on a young man who becomes a runner for a coke dealer.…
Release: 2010-10-07
9 /10
Genre : Crime -Thriller. Plot : While Jo (Roberts) is chained down in a dead end supermarket job, her friends are all out on their own separate adventures: Cassandra (Egerton)…
Release: 2010-10-01
7.8 /10
Genre: Crime -Drama -Thriller -Western Plot: A West Texas deputy sheriff is slowly unmasked as a psychotic killer . Cast: Casey Affleck - Kate Hudson - Jessica Alba
Release: 2010-08-23